Monday, January 17, 2011


Midpoint of the season with being half way there.
A great reunion last Friday night in Staples
with the New Jersey Nets playing
against us and Jordan Farmar along with Sasha
(former Lakers players) coming in with
the Nets. They brought cheers from the stands and
a glowing happiness prevailed as those two
were also presented with their gold Championship
. Smiles and good feelings were shown all
around. Sasha had played with the Lakers for 6 years.
Jordan (from Taft High School and UCLA) was ever
so pleased with the welcoming reception they got.
We beat the Nets though that night. Score: Lakers 100
and Nets 88. It was a good game. Then on Sunday we
played the Clippers...also at Staples Center. The Clippers
have a new coach, Vinny Del Negro and ever since he
came in as coach the Clippers became a whole new
ball team winning their games rather than taking losses.
During the game it really did look as if the Lakers had
it sewed up in the 3rd. quarter when we were 10 points
ahead..that is until the Clippers sunk their teeth in and
came out the victors winning over the Lakers: 99-92.
There was a small altercation right at the very ending
of the game with four players being escorted off to the
Locker rooms just seconds before game ended.
Not actually called for but when the ref's. decide..well..
then they have no recourse but to abide by the decision.
So now Tonight we play Oklahoma City at Staples and
perhaps bring our tall players and long limbed ones
into the competition. Good luck!
Babs Wells

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