Thursday, May 5, 2011

Well, my friends, what we have here is a sticky wicket.

Home court advantage last Monday and again on this
past Wednesday, yet both games Dallas won.
Our Andrew Bynum, Ron Artest, Lamar Odom,
Pau Gasol and Kobe Bryant worked their wonders
yet could not out run or out score the Mavericks.
We have to win the following 4 games straight or
goodbye to any illusions of a champion 3-peat
taking place for this particular time and team.
Losing Coach Phil Jackson will be hard to take
too, but he has earned his right for a retirement.
Yes, it would have been great if we could only
have sent him off with another win and yes, it
still is a slim possibility..but without a home
court advantage for right now and without our
largest fan urging us on..Jack Nicholson, who knows?
We can tip our hat however to another NBA player
today all the same. Clippers Rookie, Blake Griffin.
He just won the Eddie Gottlieb Trophy as the
2010-11 NBA Rookie of the year award. Congratulations!
No matter the team, we are always pleased for another
deserved player to be recognized and this young man
has earned the right of passage. While all of this was
taking place, back at Staples Center, our Lakers fell
behind in every single quarter of Wednesday's game.
1st. quarter: Dallas 26, Lakers 20. 2nd quarter. Dallas
51, Lakers 49. 3rd. quarter, Dallas 68, Lakers 62,
and so it went right up to the bitter end of 4th quarter,
Dallas 93 and Lakers 81. Adieu my friends, adieu, for
the L.A. contribution of this current debacle. But take
heed, hope never dies. Can we possibly win 4 games
do you think? Miracles can happen! 2011 Cinco de Mayo today
and on that note we sort of hold our breath to wait & see.
Babs Wells

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