Thursday, October 20, 2011


Negotiations, mediator talks, discussions,
compromises, arguments, more talks...and
the fans are left to suffer the loss of
games. Perhaps this is really the worst
loss of all. It looks like it will be
the federal mediator, George Cohen, who
will meet again with the players and
owners to make attempts at an agreement.
Without any forms of an agreement, we already
realize there will be no games on Christmas
Day and possibly beyond. For two months
these talks have been hindered by dis-
agreements at the risk of even the season.
People are really getting mighty tired
of it. Seems that the entire economics
of these sports and what the athletes
and owners are making is certainly not
resonating with fans. Not when so many
fans are out of work and looking for jobs.
Millionaires and billionaires are squabbling
over millions and billions and it is really
not in most peoples minds to sympathize with
them. Both sides met on Wednesday for 15 hours.
The longest time frame yet for these meetings.
Large gaps remain, with both sides seeking
53% of basketball revenue and players are
opposed to owners attempts to change the
salary cap system. Both sides seemed to have
plenty to talk about. After an 8 hour meeting
Wednesday brought time together to more than
24 hours over these past two days, federal
mediator George Cohen said they would still
be needing to resume bargaining this afternoon.
Today then is the first time meeting for three
consecutive days and becomes the first time
during the 111 day lock out. Hopefully it will
turn out to be constructive, direct and able
to reach an agreement.
And......the beat goes on.
Babs Wells

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