Friday, January 20, 2012


During last night's game in the fourthquarter, our boys came alive.
Seems there often is a downer feeling when playing on the road.
Even without Dywane Wade, the Miami Heat were fierce and had us
"off balance". At one point they were so far ahead, that it seemed unlikely
we would ever be able to play catch up but we did get some improvement
toward games' end. LeBron James was having flu like symptoms yet scored
31 by himself all the same. The score kept us watching in disbelief and ended
with it being Miami 98, Lakers 87. Pau Gasol scored a season high with making
26 points, Kobe Bryant made 24 and 14 of those in the 4th quarter.
Andrew Bynum made 15 points & 12 rebounds. Coach Mike Brown used to coach
in Cleveland when LeBron James was there too. Brown made the statement that
he owed a great deal for actually being where he is right now due to LeBron.
James nearly knocked a spectator down at one point though. It was Miami Marlins
owner sitting so close to the court that he collided with but no body did get hurt.
On a happier note, this writer is now a Great Grandma of two little girls.
The oldest one swallowed a tiny aluminum Christmas star and scared us all
with her labored breathing. Hospital stay and finally star removed finding this wee
tyke was alright once again but it put fright into her family, certainly.
The other tiny cherub moved down here to sunny California recently from Redding
and we are all so very happy having her nearer by us.
Did you see in the paper that you can enter into a contest? To register, simply go and then to receive other discounts and so forth, go to Deals.
The contest, if a winner, allows you to get 12 tickets to stay in a luxury suite at Staples Center and 4 parking passes. The Lakers game against the LA Clippers is also part of the deal.
Sounds like fun! Lakers play Orlando tonight so we will see just how this game is played now!
Babs Wells

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