Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Jerry Buss, Lakers owner since 1979,
has been hospitalized for dehydration
since Monday evening. At 78, he also
underwent problems with legs having
blood clots last December. Jerry is
supposed to be released from the
hospital very soon. His son, Jim,
is handling the players needs for
our Lakers team and daughter Jeanie,
is handling the business end of it.
Another change to be recognized is
obtaining Steve Nash as point guard
from the Phoenix Suns to start wearing
the purple and gold of the Lakers team.
Kobe Bryant spoke with him and helped
to have made the decision. This then,
allows Steve to be nearer to his
twin daughters. Ramon Sessions
had taken Derek Fisher's place as
point guard but now is opting out
of his contract with the Lakers.
Backup small forward Devin Ebanks,
has agreed to accepting the one-
season qualifying offer of $1,054,389
for 2012-2013. He was free to sign his
contract by last Tuesday evening.
And now there remains rumors of Orlando's
Dwight Howard very possibly joining forces
also with our Lakers team. This would likely
mean our center, Andrew Bynum, might
be placed with Houston. Orlando would really
like to start fresh without the disgruntled
Howard, a 6 ft. 11 center, on its roster
next season. This could lead to other options
for the Orlando team, if this does go through.
And for the biggest change of all for this
writer is that on Thursday afternoon, June 21,
our family lost my 52 yr.old daughter, Karla
Jean. Cause of death is still pending. She
was our songbird, our home decorator and gardener.
Music is now muted for each of us today.
We miss her buoyancy and her love for family,
so to continue on now seems nearly impossible.
Losses are mighty hard to deal with and the
suddenness of this news forces us all to our knees.
Please bear with me through this aching period
of mourning my blond, playful daughter.
Thank you.
Babs Wells

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