Monday, October 29, 2012


Kobe Bryant injured his left foot so looking
more and more as if he very likely will be
out on the sidelines at opening NBA
season. Great bench this year to depend
on plus the fab four are noteworthy.
Namely: Pau Gasol, Steve Nash, Dwight
Howard and of course our Kobe Bryant.
The Clippers team are becoming actually
another L.A. team to notice now as well.
Good for competition we all feel.
One of our newer players on the Lakers
is Robert Sacre. A tall 7 ft. player that has
already proved his worth during the
exhibition games. Reserves could be
crucial to our seasons' successes.
Sacre is calling himself the Bruiser.
Jordan Hill and Antawn Jamison
are Lakers bench warmers also.
Both of these men can play minutes
for  Pau Gasol and Jamison can spell
Ron Artest (Metta World Peace) too.
Jamison took a significant pay cut
to move to the Lakers and try to help
us win a championship.
Steve Nash is 38 and a huge offseason
surprise gift for the Lakers. He knows
the importance of a good bench. Neither
Steve (or) Kobe can play ridiculously
long minutes any more either.
The bench is like the starters and therefore
all of the players are trying right now to
figure this all out. Yes, they are working
harder and trying to make it all work and
yes, they are getting better but it is "a work
in progress" Steve Nash remarked.
We are all hopeful our bench can compete
with any one, so as they are still quite
young but yet quite good if they remain
steady, confidence will reign. "Being benched"
is not a bad thing any longer but rather 
is a seemingly good place to be. At least
it feels to be right now at NBA beginning
season. They appear to have starring roles
and so we applaud their efforts and cheer
them on!
Babs Wells

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Right now though, it is still the games that are
almost practice games with the exhibition ones
being played. Seems Lakers so far have really
been making a lame showing for all of us fans
to see. Even the camera angles from Sportsnet
Time Warner have been geared to not allow us
the enjoyment of seeing faces and watch the
players expressions. Somebody ought to really
extend a helping hand to those operating the
cameras and take more floor pictures rather
than creeping up on the players from crows nest.
Dwight Howard did favor us with his broad
shoulders and playing abilities last game
but it appears that perhaps he really should
not have done so as tonight's Staple Center
game will very likely not be having him all
suited up to play. It also looks right now like
maybe Kobe Bryant will not be  playing tonight
either, having a sore foot. We play the Clippers
tomorrow night being played at Staples Center against
Sacramento. We are  hard pressed to win
right now as the actual NBA season begins soon
on October 30th..talks are in the mix too about
perhaps getting our Derek Fisher back into a
Lakers uniform. We should know results of these
talks by next year on March 15th. Would be nice.
Familiar faces out on the floor though.
Clippers Lamar Odom...6th. man, and others
that formerly graced the Lakers court, will be
donning Clippers uniforms so should prove
to be a most interesting game to see.
Know for certain I will be watching!
Babs Wells

Monday, October 8, 2012


Well, to start with, the complexion of the broadcasts
were not very bright nor were the camera angles good.
The players were out on the floor for an exhibition
game in Fresno, while our Kobe was halting a bit
since hurting his foot but willing to try playing and
the fans cheered each time he entered the court.
Dwight Howard remained seated fully dressed even
sporting a black bow tie and huge shoulder muscles.
His back surgery has lessened his availability to be
on the full roster so far. Steve Blake played well as
did our brand new star, Phoenix's former player: 
Steve Nash. Metta World Peace was in good form as was
Pau Gasol. Our coach, Mike Brown, stated even
prior to the game that it was not crucial for us to 
win during the exhibition games and it seems to
be the case because indeed we did not win this
one.....losing by quite a large margin, in fact.
End score? 110 - 83 OUCH!!!!!
Well anyway, at age 34 with 17 seasons under
his belt, Kobe will evidently not be handling the 
ball quite as often as before. With coach Brown's
low-post oriented offense and no triangle to have,
it is changing the game somewhat. Other guys will
be doing things differently at different times.
Coach Brown at this last game, substituted freely,
trying to limit his starters to no more than 20 minutes
apiece.  It was fun seeing Steve Nash with his brand
new haircut, making his Lakers debut last evening.
We will all be excited to watch Time Warner improve
on their handling of the games and to also see our
players improving on their playing techniques too.
Babs Wells