Thursday, October 25, 2012


Right now though, it is still the games that are
almost practice games with the exhibition ones
being played. Seems Lakers so far have really
been making a lame showing for all of us fans
to see. Even the camera angles from Sportsnet
Time Warner have been geared to not allow us
the enjoyment of seeing faces and watch the
players expressions. Somebody ought to really
extend a helping hand to those operating the
cameras and take more floor pictures rather
than creeping up on the players from crows nest.
Dwight Howard did favor us with his broad
shoulders and playing abilities last game
but it appears that perhaps he really should
not have done so as tonight's Staple Center
game will very likely not be having him all
suited up to play. It also looks right now like
maybe Kobe Bryant will not be  playing tonight
either, having a sore foot. We play the Clippers
tomorrow night being played at Staples Center against
Sacramento. We are  hard pressed to win
right now as the actual NBA season begins soon
on October 30th..talks are in the mix too about
perhaps getting our Derek Fisher back into a
Lakers uniform. We should know results of these
talks by next year on March 15th. Would be nice.
Familiar faces out on the floor though.
Clippers Lamar Odom...6th. man, and others
that formerly graced the Lakers court, will be
donning Clippers uniforms so should prove
to be a most interesting game to see.
Know for certain I will be watching!
Babs Wells

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