Wednesday, December 26, 2012


My email account was not working and I had earlier said  
"Yuletide Greetings Lakers & fans" but now will greet you 
with tidings of good cheer as we soon approach the brand 
new year ahead of us. Our team has won four games now so yes, 
we are in good spirits already as we play a back to back game tonight with Denver. 
We cheer and feel great for the fact Steve Nash has once again returned to the 
playing courts. With the game against the Charlotte Bobcats, it was a struggle.
Winning by only one point is a nail biting scenario. 101-100. On Saturday in
O.T. we won 118-115 Playing against Golden State. I would have to state
that this game was indeed an early Christmas present for us. Nash hit a
3 pointer in the final minutes that gave us a one point lead. Going into O.T.
against the Warriors we did finally win this game. Nash's leg was still giving
him some pain however but he told D'Antoni it was manageable to play.
Being away from playing for more than two months gave us all cause to
worry somewhat. Our coach used to coach in N.Y. with the Knicks and
right on Christmas Day we played the Knicks iin L.A.. beating them
100-94 so it was a rather bitter/sweet played game. Our loss two weeks
ago to the Cleveland Cavaliers gave another nearly weeping moment.
We play Portland then on this Tuesday evening and play at home.
On a winning streak now so hopeful we can keep up this pace!
Babs Wells

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