Saturday, June 29, 2013


Dwight Howard is the subject here today.
Placards and giant billboards are seen
with "STAY" written for all to see and to
contemplate. Angers some and encourages
others. With quite an ego I think, this #D12
Laker seems to hold onto his ego very tenuously.
However having said that, it is not my decision
to make. Granted he is tall and yes, he did
try hard to make a come back after major
surgery so we must give him that edge. 
Lakers' Vice President of public relations
John Black, admitted on Thursday that a
very significant amount of money was spent
on 7 billboards around town (with possibly
even more to come) asking Dwight to "Stay"
with our Lakers team. Even one was seen adorning
the sides of Staples Center. called
the campaign "kind of sad". USA Today referred
to it as resorting to desperation. NBC Sports
Radio said it was  embarrassing and rather
hilarious. A tweet from Ben Maller, who has
a syndicated show on Fox Sports Radio, made
a comment regarding the billboards as well.
"If you are the Lakers, you don't beg people
to stay" said Dan Patrick on his syndicated 
radio show. Sacramento did this with Chris 
Weber back in 2001. Yet, being Lakers it
just seems so inappropriate and silly..
Will the next write up say "Pretty Please" ?
Babs Wells

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Steve's back and hamstring issues for being out
of court play and making attempts at recuperating,
have sidelined him from our Lakers games for awhile.
Being 100% is his aim for playing again for the Lakers
when fall games begin. During his rehabilitation 
time he has been working with the soccer team and
will continue doing so this summer. The Charity games
with two soccer games are in his plans along with other
NBA players and will be played on June 26 and July 14.
The first game will be played in New York and the second
game will be played in downtown Los Angeles. Soccer stars
along with various NBA players has yet to be determined.
This will be the sixth time Nash's game will be played in
New York and the first time it will be played in Los Angeles.
The L.A. event will be played at Red Shield Community
Center, a few blocks west of Staples Center. The events
are free to the public. If any donations are given they will
go to the Steve Nash Foundation which assists underserved 
children around the world. The games are played
in local parks, taking players of both soccer and basketball 
sports back to their roots. With NBA players as well as
International soccer stars being able to once again play on
the streets as they did as a kid makes the games less
pretentious and far more accessible. It is not as if they
are in a stadium where fans are miles from the action.
Among the NBA players listed from past rosters on the
Nash Foundation web site are Tony Parker, Grant Hill, 
Baron Davis and Brandon Jennings. Some of the soccer
stars named are Robbie Rogers, Thierry Henry, Claudio
Reyes, Patrick Vieira, Maurice Edu and Giuseppe Rossi.
If there was one player Nash would dream of hiring to
these events, he said it would be Lionel Messi. If Lakers player 
Dwight Howard played, he would be best served
in goal but could even be surprising on the field a little 
bit. Steve was asked about his former teammate, Jason
Kidd. Kidd has retired from playing NBA basketball and
now has been hired by the Brooklyn Nets as head coach.
Steve himself is 39 and very likely looking to his own
future as well. As a very intense player and personality, 
it might fare well for him to one day be seeking a coaching
job himself. We have missed him out on the Lakers court.
Babs Wells

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Seems there finally has been a decision made, and
it appears to be a very good one too. Kobe Bryant
and his parents, Joe and Pamela have found more
common ground now with their son regarding some
of his memorabilia and so they have contacted the
New Jersey based Golden Auctions founder, Kenneth
Goldin. Some of Kobe's articles from years ago, he
would rather hang on to and so it posed a problem
for them all, being that the Auction firm had already
advanced Pamela Bryant $450,000 up front.
Kobe ended up suing Goldin Auctions in federal
court last month where it was revealed in April that his
Mom had agreed to put nearly 100 items that had 
been in her home up for auction. Bryant claimed that
he never agreed to this action and that she had no
right to take them and so a family dispute erupted.
A trial was to have begun this very week. The main
draw in this collection was a maroon uniform from
Bryant's freshman year in high school when he
wore number 24. This was believed to be the only
authentic game-worn #24 Kobe Bryant LMHS
jersey in existence. That very jersey is not now
part of the new auction consignment. Attorneys 
representing our Laker NBA player, Kobe Bryant,
included a statement on behalf of Bryant's parents
which reads: "We regret our actions and statements
related to the Kobe Bryant auction memorabilia. We
apologize for any misunderstandings and unintended
pain we have caused our son and appreciate the 
financial support he has provided over the years. We also
apologize to Goldin Auctions for their inadvertent
involvement in this matter and thank them for their
assistance". Goldin auctions issued a news release
Monday about the updated auction with Ken Goldin
saying: "We have reached an amicable resolution in
this case and want to thank Kobe Bryant for his 
assistance in resolving this matter". This then ought
to be the end resolution of this misunderstanding.
Babs Wells

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


NBA Laker, Pau Gasol and his Memphis
NBA player brother, Marc Gasol have
organized a youngsters Boys and Girls Club.
They take great enjoyment and pride in
their affiliation with these children and
separate their association during their
time spent with them from their own love
of playing basketball. Going through
the transition on the Lakers team, Pau
states because losing Jerry Buss, 
his children are doing their best with
the team now so he is not at all certain
that his role for the Lakers will
come to fruition. A great deal depends
on Dwight Howard's decision to remain
on the Lakers team or not. Also, Pau
himself has been recovering from a
medical procedure which entailed 
having a probe inserted into both
of his knees to help eliminate scar tissue
without damaging the healthy tissue. This
procedure is called "Fast
Technique" and was performed just three weeks ago.
Four days after walking without crutches, 
Pau appeared mobile enough to move with
ease and playfully block shots with the
youngsters at the Boys and Girls Club.
The Lakers expect Pau to return to
basketball-related activities within 9
weeks. As he heads to his native Spain this
week, Pau is hopeful time spent while there
will give him more assurance for returning
to play along with his Lakers teammates. 
Being able to participate along
with his younger brother Marc in activities
as well as support this new organization they
have become involved with, Pau says it 
has turned into a huge motivation for him.
We wish him all of the very best and yes, 
we certainly do hope to see him along
with injured Kobe Bryant there on the courts
in playing with the Lakers team, this coming fall.
Babs Wells