Thursday, June 13, 2013


Steve's back and hamstring issues for being out
of court play and making attempts at recuperating,
have sidelined him from our Lakers games for awhile.
Being 100% is his aim for playing again for the Lakers
when fall games begin. During his rehabilitation 
time he has been working with the soccer team and
will continue doing so this summer. The Charity games
with two soccer games are in his plans along with other
NBA players and will be played on June 26 and July 14.
The first game will be played in New York and the second
game will be played in downtown Los Angeles. Soccer stars
along with various NBA players has yet to be determined.
This will be the sixth time Nash's game will be played in
New York and the first time it will be played in Los Angeles.
The L.A. event will be played at Red Shield Community
Center, a few blocks west of Staples Center. The events
are free to the public. If any donations are given they will
go to the Steve Nash Foundation which assists underserved 
children around the world. The games are played
in local parks, taking players of both soccer and basketball 
sports back to their roots. With NBA players as well as
International soccer stars being able to once again play on
the streets as they did as a kid makes the games less
pretentious and far more accessible. It is not as if they
are in a stadium where fans are miles from the action.
Among the NBA players listed from past rosters on the
Nash Foundation web site are Tony Parker, Grant Hill, 
Baron Davis and Brandon Jennings. Some of the soccer
stars named are Robbie Rogers, Thierry Henry, Claudio
Reyes, Patrick Vieira, Maurice Edu and Giuseppe Rossi.
If there was one player Nash would dream of hiring to
these events, he said it would be Lionel Messi. If Lakers player 
Dwight Howard played, he would be best served
in goal but could even be surprising on the field a little 
bit. Steve was asked about his former teammate, Jason
Kidd. Kidd has retired from playing NBA basketball and
now has been hired by the Brooklyn Nets as head coach.
Steve himself is 39 and very likely looking to his own
future as well. As a very intense player and personality, 
it might fare well for him to one day be seeking a coaching
job himself. We have missed him out on the Lakers court.
Babs Wells

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