Friday, February 14, 2014


We were way ahead at the game played
on Thursday evening. Played against the best 
team in the league, Oklahoma CityLakers
injured though, have been and are fighting for
a chance to show how much we truly do care.
Ahead at one time by 15 points and ahead
too at half time, we plunged on and did it
right. In fact, other than the very last 33.6
seconds it possibly might have become a
tie. OKC beat us by only 5 points. Ending
score 107-102. Proud of our players.
Pau Gasol states that he'd rather remain
a Laker and we, his fans, heartily agree.
Kupchak, can you hear us in the throng?
Granted, it does seem certain that we will
miss the playoffs for only the 6th. time in
franchise history. Playing last evening, we
ranked 14th. in the Western Conference. 
There's far less certainty, however, 
on what the Lakers will do heading into the 
Feb. 20 trade deadline, which Kupchak 
described as "pretty quiet". He feels he has 
seen the Lakers compete lauding the 
injury-ravaged team's efforts and praising 
Lakers coach Mike D'Antoni. It is clear the 
Lakers are gearing up for what Kupchak 
called a "really good draft". Steve Nash 
sat out during the game due to nerve 
irritation in his back and so Kendall
Marshall seamlessly started at point guard 
again and posted 12 points on 5-of-8
shooting and had nine assists. Still nursing
long term injuries for Kobe Bryant, Nick Young,
Jordan Farmar and Jodie Meeks, yet just for
this one night, our Lakers appeared capable
of overcoming the odds no matter how difficult.
Good going fella's and next Wednesday we
shall then see what takes place out on the court.
Babs Wells

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