Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Erroneous info given before and I am sorry
about that. When I told my readers
that the game against N.Y. Knicks was
to take place in NY, when in fact no,
it took place last evening down at
Staples Center here in L.A.
And, when it was told  to me that we
had but 8 games left to play in
this season., my bad again..Believe
it is 12 games left to play and hope
they win those as well. Certainly did
a super job last evening. Was wondering
when they would be televised though
as the OKC game against Dallas went
on so long and then in to an overtime 
besides. Finally got to view our Lakers 
and win we did. Score: 127-96. Even our 
Chris Kaman finally was able to get out 
there on the floor and show his worth. 
Cannot understand just why Coach D'Antoni 
refused to place him to be playing before 
when the previous game showed Pau Gasol 
sidelined due to illness for the entire second half.
I'll tell you Chris was not too happy over
that fact either and voiced his concerns.
He is tall, he is able and he is ever so
willing so why on earth is he not used more 
often? Anyway, he made the very first 2 points
against the N.Y. Knicks. By the way,
our former coach, Phil Jackson, was
indeed on hand to watch his former
Lakers team play although he sat upstairs
in a box seat and not down on the floor.
Phil has now signed on the dotted line
and has accepted the job as N.Y. Knicks
new President and for a 3 year contract
worth around $60, Mil. so that can't hurt!
Laker Pau Gasol has been diagnosed having
Vertigo which causes nausea and a feeling
of light headedness and did in fact, spend
the night in a hospital. His MRI came back 
okay, gratefully. He wants to thank everyone
that were puzzled over his illness & sent him
their personal best wishes, saying " Thanks so
much to all of you". We do not want him
to return out on that court however until he
honestly is really feeling far better. Drink
plenty of water, Pau so dehydration exits.
It is a problem to wonder about too with
Steve Nash, whether or not he might be
returning to play soon. Jordan Farmar is
out as well being still on the injury list.
With a hurt wrist it is "iffy" regarding Xavier
Henry for being fit enough to play.
Poor Nick Young, (Mr. "Swaggy") had quite
a jolt last Sunday having been burglarized
during his Staples play time. He lives in
Sherman Oaks and thieves' broke a window
and entered his home stealing over $100,000
worth of equipment, clothing and other expensive
items so he now has new locks, (yes, had Insurance)
and he spent that night away from his home after
the investigators got through with their search, etc.
He has such a positive attitude that even though
it startled him, his teammates began cracking
jokes (at his expense) & it did cheer him up.
We play now the next game on Thursday
evening but earlier in the day, at 5:30, to
be played in Milwaukee and then on to Minnesota.
Our cheers of hope go out to you all on the road.

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