Monday, April 14, 2014


Playing last Friday and Sunday at Staples
Center, we used a variety of players.
It was of course, most noticable that
our Kobe, Nash, & Kaman were among
the missing. Even Jordan Hill was 
fairly unhappy having a migraine.
Nick Young has been  out 16 games.
So, over all, our team has been quite
severed from what we had earlier been
expecting and it is no wonder that with
ailments, player transfers and so forth,
our team has had to take all of it in
stride as best that they could and still
maintain an "upbeat" outlook to continue
doing their best no matter if it was with
Golden State, Sacramento or Memphis.
So now we go out on the road to Utah
and to San Antonio to finish off playing
this season with high hopes for a far
better roster coming up in October
for playing for next season. The score,
by the way for our game against
Golden State was: 112-95. Our loss.
The game against Pau's brothers'
team (Mark) with Memphis, was:102-90.
And again..alas, it was our loss too.
Now, suited up tonight, they will be
on the road playing Utah and  then on
Wednesday they will be in San Antonio.
Having mentioned this before regarding
Jodie Meeks, I will but elaborate some.
He averaged a career-high 15.6 points.
After the season, he will become a free
agent, so  it is toss-up pertaining to
whether or not he will remain on our
Laker team. We are hoping so.
He states that" shooting the ball is what
I'm known for, but I worked hard on my
handle a lot and I worked on finishing at
the rim". In an interview he said " I just
wanted to come in and have a good
all-around year". It is fun to see him
make those baskets. He and Nick Young
have given us as fans watching many
really enjoyable moments seeing
their enthusiasm playing the floor.
Playing against the Warriors for
example, Nick Young scored 25 points.
So far, it appears that with the injuries,
298 games this season have shown
the players on that injury list missed
that many games.
In Michigan, a little 8 year old girl
was fighting for her life with the odds
against her during all of her treatments
and care with cancer. Not in the big 
leagues, but a basket ball player none
the less, Michigan State forward,Adreian Payne
took it upon himself to help lessen this
trooper in childhood, Lacey Holsworth. 
She had neuroblastoma and this young
man was instrumental in allowing her
to become a part of his team rebounding
to win the Big Ten tournament as he showed
her preferred treatment.
And so, there she was, at the
Michigan State Basketball banquet
last month, standing next to coach Tom
Izzao, who put his arm around her as
he addressed all of  the players, families
and others in attendance. Adreian Payne
had hoisted Lacey up earlier to the net
as they both brought the net down. It, 
indeed was a very big day for this tyke 
who lost her battle last Tuesday. R.I.P.
dear little one.
Onward and upward  and off to Utah!

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