Thursday, May 1, 2014


We did not see this coming, did we?
With such an injured roster this
past year and so many new players,
the season was jinxed and Coach
Mike D'Antoni could not stop that
stranded train no matter how hard
he may have tried. No, I did not 
like his strategy of such lack of
defense at all, but I can not ever
stamp him as not trying his best.
He had earlier been in Denver,
and in Phoenix and in New York
so coming for us in LA. I do think
most all of us wanted to see it
all go well for both players & coach.
Best of luck now is about all we
can muster and then wonder...
who will be filling his shoes?
And then we had the fiasco of 
our co-Staples Clippers bomb.
To realize in this day and in this
age, some idiots could spout off
with such malice goes beyond
reason. NBA Commissioner Silver
stating the obvious for the whole
world to hear, that for such angered
words spoken by Donald Sterling
the verdict came down hard and
hard it should have been. Banned
from NBA games and stifled on other
NBA projects plus a big fine, was what
most all of us would have wanted.
Thank you for allowing us this.
Another former NBA owner has
left us, but not in this same manner.
Michael Heisley, age 77, has died.
He had bought the (then) Vancouver
Grizzlies and moved the team to 
Memphis and then hired Jerry West
to be president of basketball operations.
NBA Commissioner Adam Silver did
the honor of addressing his death
before the Memphis and Oklahoma City
play-off game Saturday night.
Today is May Day and yesterday, the
very last day of April. Basketball Hall
of Famer, Isiah Thomas had his 53rd
Birthday. A late Happy given to you!
So now the playoffs are in full swing
and we, as Lakers, are among those
watching and waiting until October
when hopefully we can begin a new
season plus happily accept a new coach.

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