Sunday, June 29, 2014


And in today's paper, maybe Pau Gasol.
Seems it is not a for a sure thing but quite "iffy"
that we just may lose our Pau. Would so hate to
see this happening but cannot blame him or his
brother Marc if choices are given for them to play
their game of Basketball elsewhere.
I cannot help but wonder to tell the truth, about
some of the decisions Kupchak keeps making.
I know I am not in the know so I always have to
give him the benefit of the doubt, but all too
often it seems a bit odd when players are used
as commodities instead of people the way we as
fans see them. Anyway, I am ever so pleased to
see that our former Lakers Player Derek Fisher
is going off to N.Y. and will be coaching. Plus he 
will be right there with former Lakers coach, Phil
Jackson. These two men stand tall in my eyes.
And speaking of Pau once again, are you aware of
the impact he has made here in LA? His presence
here goes way beyond on-court ball playing.  He
has visited patients at the Childrens' Hospital
at least 4 times a year, viewing spinal surgery
patients and donated more than $250,000 as well
as installed a fellowship that helps the hospital
train doctors from his native Spain.Through
"MysafeLA", Gasol has spoken to various elementary
schools in the L.A. Unified School District and he has
helped the L.A. Fire Department record videos in both
English and Spanish about fire safety.
He and his brother created a foundation
last year that initially entailed visiting the Boys
and Girls Club in downtown L.A., encouraging
exercise along with a healthy diet to make the
attempt to reduce obesity. Now, we ask, what will
happen to these projects if Gasol does leave
The Lakers? Hopefully he will continue his bent
on helping with them no matter what. No, we 
are not thrilled over such a prospect however.
There now seems to be some hint over the
possibility of obtaining LeBron James from the
Miami Heat to come and join our Lakers team.
He and our Kobe Bryant were teammates in the
2012 Olympics. Bryant's two-year $48.5 million 
contract enables the Lakers to only sign one
max-level player instead of two. It stands to reason
that no matter what does take place, any other 

designated top player would very likely have to 
consider taking a pay-cut to join the Lakers. 
Robert Sacre will be continuing on with our team. 
And it would seem that a sort of foundation has 
come into focus with the pick of Julius Randle. 
He has some foot issues so that is a consideration 
surely, but for right now, it is not one that the Lakers 
are all that concerned with. Randle is a forward
from Kentucky and was available as the 7th pick 

of the 2014 NBA draft.
Wondering what the future holds for us all now?


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