Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Bryant-Scott bond goes back a long time.
Bryant won 5 NBA championships
and climbed to fourth place on the NBA's
all time scoring list. Scott recalls seeing "some-
thing special" in Bryant during those early-
morning workouts during the 1996-97 season.
He was much different than anyone I had
ever met, Byron Scott (Laker coach now) said
in an interview with The Daily News paper.
He was already extremely focused on what
he wanted to be in this league. So, Scott says
that they sort of gravitated toward each other.
One quality they both share is that they pave
their way working so hard to achieve and do
remain very focused in practice. They both
know full well what they want to accomplish
and therefore each one sets that tone.
In recent practices it appeared that there
has been a calming presence. Now that the
2014-15 season is nearly here there are
almost conflicting emotions. I suppose that
is because  the fact that last season, due 
to injuries, he played only a short time on court,
namely 6 games total. Granted there is excitement.
But along with that is almost a rage..something
within Kobe that states he is trying to see if he can
prove to himself that he can do the job he is so
trained to do and do it well. I think we all feel quite
optimistic regarding the upcoming games though.
Scott absolutely gushed about Bryant's shooting
accuracy and post-up moves. Also in his rebounding
and passing, even if perhaps he did not get a dunk.
Scott went on to say he is expecting Kobe to play
82 games and to play them well.
The positive vibes lasted all summer long for Steve
Nash. He has been able to train and play basketball
without nerve root irritation flare-ups in his back.
Unlike the past 2 years where he missed a combined
99 games because of root damage with his back
and his hamstrings, Nash practiced all summer un-
scathed. Yes, Nash is well aware that his positive 
spirits and health may sour as quickly as one of 
his nifty no-look passes, and yes, that  certainly
was a bad run with that nerve that he had to be
a bit cautious about but he is forecasting good plays.
More later then about some of the other players
in a future blog. Okay?
Babs Wells

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