Monday, November 24, 2014


We  lost big time against the Dallas Mavericks.
Final score being: 140-106. Seemed like it
went on forever with our team getting the
shaft but even so, the starters for both
teams sat out the final quarter and even our
Kobe unfortunately muses about retiring
in 2016 so therefore no story book ending.
We did really look defeated, true but the younger
players had great faith that upcoming games
would show their worth far more. In fact, Kobe
believes that Nick Young should be 6th. man
of the year. Bryant likes Nick's chances this
season for reasons beyond the fact that 
Crawford has since moved into the Clippers'
starting lineup. Bryant gushed how Young has
morphed from an isolation scorer toward
a catch-and-shoot player who does not
require much dribbling to create his shot.
The Lakers' find Young's personality endearing.
Sunday's game against the Denver Nuggets
started off well and in fact, even tied up.
In overtime, however, ending score was:
Denver 101 and Lakers' 94. Good game.
Kobe Bryant once spent part of his teenage
years studying every move Michael Jordan
made. He was hopeful that eventually he
could emulate him. Though it will hardly
end the debate that has encompassed Bryant's
19 year career, he has emulated Jordan's
game enough to surpass him in one category
that defined both of the players' skill sets.
Bryant entered the Lakers' game on Sunday
against the Denver Nuggets only 246 points
shy of surpassing Jordan for third place on the 
NBA's all-time scoring list. Speaking of Sunday's
game, the Nuggets missed 15 of 38 free throws
and the Lakers missed nine of 34. Los Angeles
has lost five games by seven points or fewer. 
Now on this coming Wednesday eve. we will
be facing the Memphis Grizzlies and that will be
a very tough team to beat. They beat the Clippers
last night and Marc Gasol really did well. He is
the brother of former Pau Gasol of the Lakers.
Another bit of news has hit us all, I believe.
No, not in the basketball playing corner, but yet
a person of worth that we all have known about
for a mighty long time. A legend of film, theater
and comedy in nearly equal measure, Mike Nichols
has died of a fatal heart attack at age 83.
He was instrumental for allowing us so many
varied and enjoyable hours of pleasure with his
films, plays and comedy that it is noteworthy to
mention. Married to television journalist Diane
 Sawyer since 1988, he leaves her and 3 children
plus four grandchildren behind. R.I.P. Mike.

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