Friday, December 26, 2014


Well, Kobe has stepped out of play currently and
the team went into unified mode. We had one of the
best games ever. It was crazy how the team just
decided to gel and it worked. The final score with
our play against the Golden State Warriors was:
115-105. The game took place last Tuesday
and yes, it was sure a fun game to watch.
Three pointers were taken and baskets made.
Nick Young and Ed Davis certainly entertained
us with their flare for game survival.Along with
Wesley Johnson, their orchestration out on
the court at Staples, was a winning unit.
Not so on Christmas day I am afraid.
Even with their willingness to succeed, it just
did not play out for us. The Lakers really struggled.
and even with our former Laker playing too,
we could not get that same winning streak.
Kobe was at court sideline and embraced
his friend and former team mate, Pau Gasol.
It was with mixed emotions, that we played
this game in Chicago against the Bulls with
our final losing score being:113-93.
Boozer said it felt weird playing them as
they were really like his brothers out there.
Emotions had to be put aside and the game played.
Wesley Johnson led L.A. with 19 points and
Ed Davis added another 13 points with
Jordan Hill getting 16 points. and perhaps
they all will get better when on Friday
night they play in Dallas so we shall have
to watch and see. Good luck fella's.

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