Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Basketball's Hall of Famer, Michael Jordan
has a Birthday today, February 17th.
It is his 52nd Birthday. Happy Day to you!
All-Star Games have completed their
antics in N.Y. at the Madison Square
Gardens with the West again beating
out the East team. It was such fun to
watch and also for the slam dunk
competitions. Seeing our former Laker
star, Pau Gasol out on the court and
playing against his brother Mark, was
a real treat. Noticeable that they both
were sporting brand new haircuts.
Papers tell us what we had feared,
Jeremy Lin and the Lakers do not
seem to be playing on the same page.
Coach Byron Scott claims that it has
been sort of up and down with his
consistency. Every single night it
seems there is something different to
see. Lin has remained rather quiet.
His shoulders were slumped in the
locker room as he still feels that
with the failing Lakers season he is
not pleased and it is weighing upon
him. He says that his expectations
playing with the Lakers were far 
different than what has been
happening. He was, of course,
hopeful to be competing for a 
play-off spot and that our team
would be healthy. That has not
been the case and he is quite 
unhappy over this. As the Lakers
are destined to miss the postseason
for the second consecutive year
amid a season flush with injuries,
Lin is experiencing his own tailspin.
He has averaged 10.2 points on 42.6 %
shooting, 4.6 assists and 2.7 turnovers
in 25.5 minutes per game of play.
He has never shot so poorly since
his rookie season in Golden State five 
years ago. It is tough he claims and
feels he is into "Linsanity". Nick Young,
our Lakers forward, says that indeed
he seems to have been under a lot
of pressure however Lin ought not 
to let everything get to him so much.
Thursday is the traders deadline. NBA
Commissioner Adam Silver is determined
to make a schedule that keeps the NBA
players fresher. He is willing to discuss
starting the season earlier or maybe
have it ending later. Change could
come as early as next season, with 
fewer stretches of games in the back
to back nights or four in five nights.
He said Saturday during his All-Star
press conference that he is concerned
with the wear and tear on players.
Yes, he said, it is a difficult issue,
because there are no perfect solutions.
He said that on any given night he would
like it if the players are playing at the
optimum level with less wear & tear.
It is so unfortunate that, for the Lakers,
Kobe Bryant is out (right shoulder), 
Steve Nash, out (his back), Julius
Randle out (right leg), Xavier Henry out,
(left Achilles). Jordan Hill will be returning
after missing so many games of play,
since his right hip flexor was injured.
Nick Young remains optimistic since
he strained a tendon in his left foot.
So the big question seems to be "will
the Lakers make a move before the 
February 19th. trade deadline or not?"
We shall just have to wait it out & see.

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