Thursday, December 31, 2015


And what fun we had! Bring out the noise
makers, send off the fire-works. In the city
of green, we prevailed and won last evening
over the Boston Celtics and our leading
star Kobe, was applauded and given
the tribute he so deserves and it sure
did my heart good to see and hear this.
Kobe's beauty of a wife (Vanessa) along
with his two daughters, (Natalia & Gianna)
were right there too cheering their Dad & 
looking ever so proud. Along this route of
Kobe's final tour for playing in the NBA,
he showed such power and made his
first double-double of the season.  He
made 15 points and a big 3-pointer at 
the game's end. Our final score for Wed.
game was: Lakers, 112 & Celtics 104.

The Charlotte game was not as good.
We lost 108-98. The Hornets were
relentless but they still did give
our Kobe an awesome ovation.
He became the Lakers all-time
leading  scorer and a 5 time NBA
Champion. Repeatedly he always
stated that he wanted to be the best,
Well, we wrap up 2015 with his promise
fulfilled and onward we trek into yet 
another game. This one played in L.A. at
Staples Center on New Year's Day against
the Philadelphia 76'ers.. Game at 7:30.

We learned we have lost a Basketball Globe
trotters star, Meadowlark Lemon.
He played with the Harlem Globetrotters
and was known as the "Clown Prince:"
He died in AZ at age 83. R.I.P. now.

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