Monday, March 8, 2010

Three misses. Score? Orlando 96 & Lakers 94.
Enthusiasm certainly but mostly in the very last
seconds of the game.If only they had demonstrated
some of that enthusiasm during parts of the rest
of the game instead of only in ending of 4th. quarter
we just may have actually won this Sunday game.
Mock awards were mentioned. Kobe Bryant for
his infamous last seconds basket in former game,
Derek Fisher for his dunk that wow'ed the crowd,
Ron Artest for his hairdo (his barber says that it
took around 6 hours in all for the bleaching process
and then the writing of "defense" on his head in
3 different languages) Defense? Where was it?
Yes road games are tough and very hard on
the players but perhaps they can give us a good
game to watch this coming Tuesday on home court.
Hoping so.......we shall watch and see
Babs Wells

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