Thursday, March 4, 2010

Well, puttering around the entire first half, one
tended to wonder just what was going on with
our Lakers players! Kobe kept going to the
line for free throws making 14 of his 24 points.!
A real basket wasn't even made until
half way into the first
quarter..Farmar made some good buckets with
3 pointers finally in the second half but even
the 3rd. quarter left spectators wanting.
Finally in the 4th. quarter our team came
alive..Good work!!Derek Fisher played well
and Ron Artest showed his worth.
He has lost wt. so showed more stamina it
seemed. Lakers won over Indiana 122 to 99.
11 of the next 14 games are on the road.
Lets' see what takes place with these first
two games being held back to back.
Go Lakers!
Babs Wells

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