Saturday, July 10, 2010

Honestly thought Derek Fisher was a shoo-in for remaining
with our Lakers, didn't you? Now today I hear he is down
south in Miami talking with them. Don't they have enough
getting LeBron James to play along with Dwayne Wade
and Bosh? In about one or two years, that Miami Heat
will very likely be taking the championship. Meanwhile
our Lakers just might get another win at season's end for
a three-peat but do believe that we need Derek Fisher
to remain with us.Knowing Miami has no point guard
at the moment, we certainly shy away from wanting them
to take ours away from us. We need you Derek!
I did read that those who found cause to destroy property
after the Championship was ours, are being dealt with
made me happy. Heavy fines were handed out, several
were incarcerated and many had to do community services.
Also, the ban was placed upon some of them to not be
able to set foot inside Staples Center for a whole year.
To show glee in destructive manner is not the way to go.
When drunkeness gets into the mix it is far too un-sports
worthy to hardly mention. Yes, we all hope for another
ring but to blandly begin riots and torch cars not only is
ugly, it is no where near the face we want to show for
our Lakers..Let's regroup and begin to grow up fans!
So grateful our coach Phil Jackson, has made his decision
to remain with our Laker team & prayers said for his health.
Finding out ego's can trickle into the fray, hoping our team
will remain stalwart to not allow too much of that to interrupt
our goals and hope too that Derek Fisher stays with us.
Babs Wells

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