Sunday, October 10, 2010

Not about our Laker team right now but a bit more
regarding "Make a difference day" October 23rd.
(yup! My Birthday! HA! )
Anyway, Steve Nash of the Phoenix Suns NBA team
says that to invest in the children of America is one
of the best ways to spend your time, energy and
money. He has created the Steve Nash Foundation.
Goals are simple: to give under served children a
chance at good health, a good education, and the
opportunity to live in an environment where they
can flourish. The Foundation has been so rewarding
with focus toward efforts made for for underserved
children in British Columbia, Arizona and Paraguay
(Steve's wife's home country). Last month the
Foundation broke ground for their Education Center in
Phoenix. The game plan for October 23rd. is as follows:
USA Weekend Magazine, the NBA & NBA players
association are joining forces to make a difference.
For more information concerning this, go to:
and and begin your own real-life action.
Be innovative and find your own inspiration for caring.
After you have planned a project, enter details into
Make a difference day to bank (or) &
as again this year 10 volunteers' efforts will be
named National Honorees & receive $10,000 in
awards from Newman's Own. For the first time, 3 cities
will be receiving a City Award & $10,000 from Newman's
. This new award is sponsored in partnership with
the Corporation for National & Community service.
Lend a helping hand to somebody that needs just that
little nudge from somebody else caring about them.
Hopeful this can catch on. NBA causes are always
such a wonderful way in which to show you care.
Babs Wells

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