Thursday, October 28, 2010

Rings, Rings and more Rings!

What a nice ceremony we were able to witness
before our game at Staples center with the Houston
Rockets. Derek Fisher gave a most honorable tribute
to our Kobe Bryant calling him the very best basketball
in the world. Ron Artest gave the little speech
before the presentation of the Laker banner unfolding
with the Championship blazing brightly for all to see
of our big Title win last season over the Boston Celtics.
Glee is the keyword to describe the scene as our
players were presented their hard won diamond-
encrusted Championship rings Tuesday evening.
Their second consecutive title when the rings were
given out for doing so, brought the house down with
a full seated crowd applauding and cheering for
their Laker team. It was an awesome feeling to see.
However the game that followed was an almost
let-down as the Rockets kept on soaring ahead.
Then in the final seconds, Steve Blake became
a hero with his 3 pointer right on target allowing
us to win 112-110.
Our next game this coming Friday is in Phoenix
and we are hopeful of another win there.
NBA commissioner David Stern apparently likes
revenue sharing and stated as master of ceremonies
Tuesday night, on making a statement for the possibility
of eliminating franchises as a way of increasing
revenue in the next collective bargaining agreement.
The deal between owners and players ends June 30th.
Derek Fisher is the acting union president and has said
"It's fair to say that a construction would be unacceptable".
Phil Jackson, is in his last year as head coach &
is going to be writing a book about his time with the Lakers.
Jeannie Buss, Phil's long time girl friend and daughter of
owner Jerry Buss, has already written a book and at the
end of ring ceremony she showed it to the camera all
about her daily findings living with Phil and other tidbits
of information she wanted to share with the fans too.
But, speaking of Derek Fisher, I ought to mention that
in Tuesday's game that was his 414th. consecutive
game played in a row and the only other player to be
so diligent was Andre Miller of the Portland Trail Blazers
having done so also with 613 games played in a row!
True dedication is what we seem to see so often with
our favored Laker team and with that I will beg off &
begin thinking about this brand new season ahead of us!
Babs Wells

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