Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Past and Current

For games played Friday and Sunday, we'll re-cap somewhat.
Friday against the Minnesota Timberwolves, we won 112-95.
The bench was able to play and Matt Barnes goes 7-7
with score of 24 for L.A. Kevin Love, (Minn.) had a really "off"
night but gave credit to our team after games end. Lamar Odom
scored 11 points on 5-11 shooting & grabbed 8 rebounds.
Kobe Bryant scored 13 of his 23 points in the first half.
Pau Gasol scored 14 of his 16 points in the second half.
It was his league-leading 11th. double-double.
Ron Artest is considering making an attempt at the NFL
after his basketball career ends. He also is interested in
boxing he claims. Shannon Brown was asked about his
shooting techniques and says he worked out tirelessly
over the summer break and made the comment of "keep
shooting and never give up!". Sundays' game against
the Golden State Warriors we again won with the score
of: Lakers 117 and Warriors at 89. Pau Gasol made it
a perfect game making all 10 of his 10 shots and every
free throw 8 for 8 at the line. The Lakers led by as many
as 30 points in the first half. None of the Laker starters
played in the 4th. quarter. The bench got a good work out.
Over all, Kobe Bryant scored 20 points, Lamar Odom 15,
Shannon Brown 17. The Lakers were able to do what they
wanted early on so the team was able to get a little rest
Coach Phil Jackson predicts that hopefully we can get
Andrew Bynum back out on the courts after his knee
surgery and subsequent healing + therapy. Maybe even
by December 10th. playing against Chicago Bulls.
Correction needed..I earlier had said that Derek Fisher
had made so many 3 pointers against Phoenix which
was a wrong mention. Instead it was during Milwaukee
game and in fact, playing Phoenix there was no way
we could beat them that night. The Suns made 22
3 pointers..which was just one shy of the NBA record!
Hats off to them certainly & sorry for my blunder!
The Lakers have spoken to free agents Erick Dampier
and Jake Voskuhl about possibly signing on as
replacement for Theo Ratliff, who is expected to be out
at least a month after his knee surgery. And now a very
sad story to report...happened at our Lakers home base
in Staples Center. Taking pictures a family was way up
on the 3rd. story level in a "luxury box" when a 2 yr.
old lad somehow slipped and tumbled nearly 50 ft. down
from a glass safety barrier that varies in height. Apparently
the child went over the edge of one section and fell into the
seating below. The Garden Grove little tyke suffered severe
head trauma & was taken to a local hospital where he died.
Condolences sent out to the family in this sorry tragedy.
To lose a child is one of life's sorriest and saddest of all
the losses one can imagine. I personally have gone through
this myself..Lamar Odom (Laker) lost a 61/2 mo. old son
with sudden infant death syndrome in June 2006. He particularly
sent his passionate feelings of issuing his sympathy to the family.
Tonight is another game and another plea for victory.
We play in Staples again too. Bring on the Bulls!
Babs Wells

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