Monday, November 1, 2010

Lakers have first 3 games in our regular season,
and now we begin our fall line-up with games scheduled
Tuesday at home against Memphis, Wednesday up
north against Sacramento and then back home
for Sunday's game against Toronto.
We seem to have some good bench players
this season. Ratliff, Barnes, Blake and Ebanks. And
Brown is our player that flies up to do the slam dunks.
Andrew Bynum is still out with knee injury and is healing
but expected back by Thanksgiving. Luke is out too
with hamstring soreness - although more than likely
will come back to play either Tuesday or Wednesday.
Kobe Bryant was asked about his knee after
Sundays game and jokingly told the reporter
that he is 100 % perfect (not so but close).
Motivation and preparedness are the two most
wanted connections for any player and it would
appear so far we have shown this to be our
mantra. Barring any more devastating injuries,
it looks right now as if our rhythm is with us
and our goals are clear. All on the same page
is actually a bit unusual for both starters
and bench to have going for them but it would
appear as though that just might be the case
for least right now it does, certainly.
Another 9 month season to play, we are doing
what is required and doing it well to win games.
Pau gave us some thrills Halloween night with
his baskets made one right after the other, finally
making 26 points, Kobe made 20 points, Odom
made 16 points and Derek made 14 points so
these players running down the court knowing
what is expected of them at the basket is what
counts and allows us to win. Rested & eager legs
right now and hopefully not tired ones very soon
either, we have won 3-0 so far in this new season.
Odom talks about "picking the scab" but his analogy
may be only a reference to his ability when needed.
At any rate, we look forward to a wonderful new season.
Babs Wells

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