Friday, December 30, 2011


With ease, our mighty Lakers
played last nights game against
the N.Y. Knicks and what a score
it was .. 99 - 82. What fun to be
able to not be in a lock out situation
and to have the exhibition games behind
us. Fun going out on those courts at Staples
and play to our hearts' content! Even
with some injuries, the plays and the
joy were there for all to see.
Quite a lovely present for us all I
do believe. Beginning these games
with 3 consecutive games to play
one would think the bodies might
become very tired. Coach Mike Brown
had them practice for 2 hr's one day
and gave them the next day off so
the eagerness to win was the correct
potion evidently last night. Now with four
games played, our Andrew Bynum
will also be able to join his team
mates out there on the courts. It
was nice seeing Matt Barnes playing
once again. Kobe scored a team leading
28 points on 10 for 14 shooting through
three quarters. Pau Gasol and Josh
McRoberts took turns throwing lobs to
each other. All in all, the Lakers
shot 72% from the floor in the first
half of the game which is the best
24 minutes of marksmanship in 12 years.
The Lakers beat the Knickerbockers
for the ninth straight time dating
back to February 13, 2007.
We'll be watching now for this coming
Saturday matinee at Staples playing
the Denver Nuggets.
Our Lakers seem to really be on the right track!
Babs Wells

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