Thursday, December 8, 2011


Having a hospital stay due to
blood clots in the leg, Jerry Buss
is so far doing fine.
Expectations are that only another
day or two will find him hospitalized.
Buss has owned the Lakers team ever
since 1979 and because of extensive
travel, it is believed these clots
began as a result.
On another note, we see that tickets
will be going on sale for the Lakers
individual games! Sales start this
Saturday at 10:00 A.M.

Only four tickets per person per game
is being allowed. Tickets can be found
by going to Ticketmaster online. or
Phone 800-4-NBA-TIX.
Pau Gasol of the Lakers has been
approached regarding some chatter concerning
possible trades. Andrew Bynam's name has
also been mentioned. Trades for Orlando
Magic's center Dwight Howard, and for
New Orleans Hornets point guard Chris Paul,
are the contenders names that keep coming up.
Pau shrugs it all off and says he is just
eager to get back out on the courts and play
and we are eager as well, to agree with him.
Babs Wells

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