Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Alas, Lakers .. you did good!

This was a tough game to watch. Wanting and pleading to the TV screen for our LA Lakers to take the lead and bring it home..it just wasn't meant to be this year. 

With a game ending score of Thunder 106, Lakers 90, we still stand proud as we reflect on the reality that our LA Lakers did good and made it the play offs and gave it their all.

Kobe Bryant sure tried for his team! Bryant scoring 42 points for the Lakers and taking brief periods of rests -- less than two minutes -- in the second half. Kobe couldn't take the entire game on his own even though he gave it his best attempt!

This was a tough break for the Lakers, to say the least, but we congratulate the Thunder on their hard work and wish them all the best as they move forward up against opposition that for sure wants to take and make the winning title as their own.

Moving forward, It looks like the Lakers future might need to make some changes, possibly not ones that are popular, but again there needs to be some changes to work toward creating a roster that might be more challenging for these younger teams that they are up against. We will see as the time moves forward what will be done, what decisions will be made and whats ahead in the off season.

Now, I know this blog was short, and not as upbeat as Babs does, but this blog is written by Babs' daughter WenDee and I guess I didn't take notes very well! However, I'd like to take a few minutes to write about someone who I happen to admire highly, and through her writings I know you have grown to appreciate and love as well.

My mother - Babs - is truly a giving and amazing woman. She stands tall in her short stature and greets everyone with her smile and her warm embrace. Through the years she has had to endure some tough breaks, but she has overcome and has been the inspiration to me and my 2 sisters our entire lives. We've been able to follow in her footsteps with her strength and her perseverance! Her love of God and Family has always been a present, and of course, you see her love of basketball :)
I remember when my sons were young and they had a hoop outside our front yard. Here would come Grandma ready to take the ball and play a little one on one! I've learned that no matter what I face, Mom has also faced similar trials and through her journey, I will continue to travel as well.

I love you momma and thank you for allowing me this space where I get to show my appreciation of you publicly to the readers. No matter if its a neighbor, the grocery worker, the bus driver, the taco bell worker, a friend of over 30 years, or the passerby on the sidewalk as you take your morning walk....you extend your hand and your heart and leave a lasting footprint to all.

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