Tuesday, June 5, 2012


One of the things I do enjoy about
writing up these articles is that
it keeps me observant on what all
is taking place with not only the
Lakers team, but also on what is
happening around the Lakers camp.
It was announced yesterday that
the Lakers have signed radio-
announcers John Ireland and
Mychal Thompson to multi-year
contract extensions.
Ireland just completed his first
season as play-by-play announcer
and Thompson his ninth as color
analyst. The Charlotte Bobcats
interviewed Lakers assistant
Quin Snyder for their vacant
head-coaching position.
This was first reported by
the Associated Press.
Another bit of news is that the
Lakers have now picked up
Bynum's option so it appears
Drew continues to be on the team.
The contract was for $16,1 million
for this All-Star center.
Mitch Kupchak, General Manager,
confirmed last month that the
Lakers would exercise this option.
Drew was the NBA's third-leading
re bounder and 20th leading
scorer while also ranking 6th
in the league with 1.93 blocked
shots per game. Hopefully he can
endure with no injuries such as
those that caused him anguish
during his 7-year career since
the Lakers made this New Jersey
high school-er the youngest player
ever drafted, back in 2005.
Yes, he did miss some games (4) due
to suspension, so out of 66 games
he played in 60 games with our Lakers.
But it is to be remembered that Drew
is still learning what he eventually
will be and in his words, he stated
"I must have a presence, an aura
that demands my teammates' respect
if I am going to have that super-
star-type of a career".
So out of the mouth of babes, comes
this very mature statement and
we, the spectators certainly will
be watching it to hopefully play
out this way, won't we though?
Babs Wells

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