Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A WIN !!!

Well sports fans, a win for sure and something
for L.A. to cheer over. When many of the Kings
hockey players folks were in school or maybe their
grandparents, the Kings won a championship.
But last night was the first time in 44-45 years
that they won again and win they certainly did!
The faces on these young men would tell the
whole story. Goaltender Quick is named MVP as
the Kings claimed their Stanley Cup. Time to
party and party I am sure they must have done!
Jonathan Quick, goalie, smiled like no one has
maybe ever smiled and it touched the hearts
of all there and in our respective homes as well.
Congratulations kids and we are very proud of you!
Lakers center, Pau Gasol also had reason for a
celebration of sorts. His pal from Spain won
his seventh French Open title Monday.
The King of Clay overwhelmed the #1 ranked
Djokovic for the 50 minutes and nine games they
played on Monday. A victory that allowed Nadal
to earn French Open trophy number 7, breaking
a tie with Bjorn Borg.
And tonight is the NBA Championship game with
Miami Heat and OKC Thunder on the court in OKC.
The game starts at 6:00 in CA and will be the
start of the winning game in the finals.
Its been fun and being in the Finals it is two
players that are going to be hard to guard.
The All-Star talent that will be playing tonight
will give the rest of us reason to be sitting
with nail biting suspense.It is going to be a
great show!
Babs Wells

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