Friday, August 24, 2012


Laker Star, Kobe Bryant turned 34 on Thursday,
August 23rd. He will be in the company of some
mighty great players this upcoming Basketball
Season..namely, Pau Gasol, formerly of Spain,
Steve Nash, formerly a Phoenix, AZ Sun player
and Dwight Howard with the Orlando FL Magic.
Howard, however, is recovering from surgery so
will not be on the playing court floor until probably
late October. Lamar Odom, formerly with the Lakers,
seems to now have been signed on to play with the
L.A. Clippers team and Andrew Bynum, another
of our tall Lakers, is already being courted into
his new team in Philadelphia. This then, is our
fearsome four to be reckoned with certainly.
They do make up quite a formidable team and
are deeper and more skilled as well as more versatile.
So the deal seems to have made sense and will be
giving us all a reason to be ever thankful for these
seasoned players. To have been given a second chance
at upgrading the roster, is hopefully enough
to win the world championship, said Barkley, a former
NBA player and current TNT commentator. Dwight
Howard, alone, is the most athletic big man in the
NBA so it stands to reason, the 4 players will make
the very most of this opportunity for winning another
ring. Magic Johnson said that now, this puts the Lakers
right in the championship hunt and in fact, will be a
better playing team even than Oklahoma. "If the Lakers
are smart, they are better than the Thunder," Magic Johnson
quoted. By the way, in reserve, Mitch Kupchak took two
significant steps to insure the team's bench has more punch
too, signing on forward Antawn Jamison and re-signed
forward Jordan Hill last month.
We have just learned that former deputy commissioner
for the NBA, Simon Gourdine, who became the highest
ranking black executive in professional sports in the
1970's and who served as executive director of the league's
players union, died on August 16 at age 72.
He had undergone back surgery and following that, he lost
his life. Surprisingly, he had no basketball experience. He had
been a lawyer and had worked in many posts with the N.Y.
government including commissioner of consumer affairs under
Mayor Edward I.Koch, deputy police commissioner and chairman
of the city's Civil Service Commission. Gourdine joined the NBA
as its' legal counsel in 1970. He helped forge collective bargaining
agreement with the players union in 1976 and 1979, then he
resigned at the end of 1981. Many of the former players and folks
around bargaining tables will remember him. Rest peacefully now.
Babs Wells

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