Monday, August 13, 2012

Olympics and Laker Stars

With the affirmation that we indeed have
our new tall Center, Dwight Howard on
the Lakers team, along with Pau Gasol,
Kobe Bryant and now new Steve Nash too,
it ought to be one of the most fun seasons
ever for the team and all of the fans.
Healing from a disc procedure (back surgery in LA),
Howard is looking forward to joining the
other stars and co-players for a whole lot
of fun and eager plays as well as winning
games. Howard calls himself "Superman",
so he says he is going to finally get his cape
out of storage and get it ironed.
Kobe spoke with him early on and the two
men have a great friendship so it will only be 
enhanced when practice and the season opens.
Speaking of Kobe, he really enabled the USA Olympic
playing team to win over Spain.. At one time during
the game, they were only one point ahead and it
was touch and go for awhile, However, the game ended
with USA's winning score of: 107 - 100.
LeBron James and Kevin Durant made so many
points between them, USA was fairly confident
of winning and yes, in London, they won the
2012 gold on Sunday. They more or less were
the dominating team all during the Olympics.
So we now say goodbye to London and also to
Andrew Bynum, who will be joining the team
in Philadelphia. We also say farewell to the 2
backup forwards, Christian Eyenga and Josh
McRoberts. Yes, we do wish them both well.
Now on to bigger and better things for us all!
Babs Wells

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