Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Such a shame that our Lakers did such
a great job playing against Chicago &
tied often during entire game but then
at the last seconds having to lose by two
points. Was such fun watching Pau,
and seeing Nick Young gather so many
points playing the Bulls. Both Kobe and 
Steve Blake, on sidelines were eager
to help by coaching these younger
players and urging them on. In the place
that Michael Jordan built, Nick Young
continued his emergence as the Lakers'
go-to-closer. He capped a season-high
31 points on 11-of-23 shooting with a
baseline jumper that tied the game,
100-100. There then were only 6 seconds
left to play. He also sank 3 consecutive
free-throws to force an overtime play.
Lakers rookie Ryan Kelly then forced
an out-of-bounds with 9 seconds left.
This suggested the Lakers could thrive
again with a double-overtime.
Not to be however, the game ending 
Score 102-100.
Pau says that although this was most
discouraging, they must continue with
spirit and energy and give themselves
chances. No fun losing all the same.
Very tough to swallow he tells us and
yes, with so little left on that clock, it
gave us the same feelings, watching.
Thursday finds us in Miami so perhaps
that  might be another winning game for us.

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