Thursday, January 16, 2014


Well, guess Nick Young is having to take a few
minutes for second thoughts having been ejected
from last night's game with Phoenix. Tempers
flared and the rest is history now.
We lost to Cleveland as well as our loss to Phoenix
but with the Cavaliers game we almost made it.
Just two points off and it would have ended in a
tie game. Our players are gaining in their strengths
and in their unity and it shows. We hate to lose
as most folks do, but in the long run we will stick
with our team and wish them well. Getting some of our 
key players back out onto the courts will be ever so
helpful of course and hope upon hope that no future
injuries occur to lay them up to go limping off courts.
We had a tight score with Cleveland as I said.
It ended 120-118. Our score with Phoenix was a bit
worse: 121-114 and it was difficult to view at some points.
In Phoenix Pau Gasol made 24 points, while Wesley
Johnson had 22 points. At Staples with Cleveland, Nick
Young made 28 points, but all in all, with this road trip
of 8,300 miles and a two week, 7 game plan, all of
our players together and individually must come in far
stronger and far more determined to play hard the entire
game and not just in the first half of the game.
Right guys?

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