Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Lakers President, Jeanie Buss is continuing her
father's legacy. She is worried that LA's most
successful sports franchise seems far removed
from when she can add another NBA Champion-
ship trophy on her office shelf. She states that
her Dad did not tolerate losing very well and he'd
be anxious to make moves to get us back into
contention. Well, there are reasons now that go
beyond any debilitating loss. Fans frustrations too
enters into this. Buss also feels the pressure.
Then too, she does not want to let her late father
down.  With Jerry Buss' passing in 2013, the Lakers
can no longer lean on his comforting presence.
Still, Jeanie Buss maintains she will do her best
within her role for keeping her father's legacy.
Saying, as family, they  are committed to that. Prior
to her father's passing, Jeanie Buss spent 14 
seasons as the Lakers' executive vice president
of business operations.. Jeanie says that her
Dad,  one of a kind, was a visionary and that
she wants to make sure she is continuing to
protect that legacy and move in a direction
that would be what he would want.
Former Laker Steve Nash is enjoying his
retirement but is still continuing as mentor
to Laker Jordan Clarkson. His view of Clarkson
is that he is a great kid and that it has been
fun for him to act as his mentor.  He states that
Clarkson has averaged 15.8 points on 45.8
% shooting with 5 assists and 4.2 rebounds in
32.1 minutes through 38 starts, so has the ingredients
to one day be a terrific NBA player,  sky being the limit.
Both Kupchak and Byron Scott hope that Clarkson
does indeed develop into a leader.
Even though right now, it is not looking too good,
it is no new news that Kobe Bryants'  shoulder
injury caused a lot of concern, but we are being told
that he already is starting to lift weights and seems
to have a full range of motion. Scott says that
Kobe is looking good and he feels that Kobe will
go at this thing real hard this summer to get
himself ready for training camp but hopefully 
he will not overdo.
On a different note, we see that the Oklahoma City
Thunder has fired their coach, Scott Brooks. Brooks 
coached the Thunder for 7 seasons and led the team
to the Western Conference finals 3 out of 4 years.
Roles are never too secure are they?
Winds out our way for days but today it feels
warmer and sky is sunny,

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