Thursday, April 16, 2015


One team, the Sacramento Kings have defeated us
in our last two games played in this season. One
in Sacramento and one last night here in L.A.
Wondering how this upcoming season will go.
No more games to be played in our regular season
for this year..up until next fall again, that is.
Just as Jeremy Lin spent several minutes reflecting
on his frustrating 2014-15 Lakers season, Nick Young
opened the door to the press room and briefly
interrupted the interview. This evidently was not the first
time Young briefly stole Lin's spotlight. Young infamously
crashed Lin's post-game interview back in late February.
This followed a rare win over Boston, an antic that aired
on  Jimmy Kimmel Live and sparked scorn from both 
Scott and Kobe Bryant. Young will soon enter the off-
season with more scrutiny after averaging 13.4 points
on a career-low 36 % shooting & having occasional
clashes with Scott. Even with this, Young said he is
feeling confident he will stay with the Lakers. Young
still remains under contract for 3 more years at $16.33 mil.
Our losing game in Sacramento was with score of:102-92.
This victory Kings snapped a 3 game losing streak for them.
Our Wednesday night game @ Staples, found us
being tied more than once and still, we lost it with the
score showing them at over 100 & us at 99.
Jordan Clarkson is certainly one of our bright spots
from this forgetful season. He will soar into the summer
and next season be powered by the momentum of a rookie
season that will unfold about as well as any of us can expect.
The picks we have in this draft are a free agent market.
We know that we have a lot of work to do but yet we are
still very excited about it and so a season from hell finally
has come to its' dying end. For the Lakers?
Our work is just beginning. As the Good Book reminds
us " Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will
have its' own worries, Sufficient for each day is its' own
troubles". With the summer to look forward to we will
end this season and wish everybody a comforting and
a healthy season ahead for all of us. I will continue tending
to my flowers, reading my novels, and enjoying spending
time with my loving family as often as possible. 
Till next time....

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