Wednesday, September 23, 2015


This writer is about to embark upon an adventure.
Never in my 85 years upon this earth have  I
ventured out on the open sea like this. A ship
with a whole city full of people like me to look
at the waves and begin our sea experience
together. What will be my outlook as I share
this time with friends and daughters? I shall
let you know when I reach the port upon our 
return to land. In the meantime I too am looking
forward to October and the brand new NBA
season to root for our Lakers team and watch
the games unfold. Look for further blogs and
help me fan the fires of winning games for our
players out there on those courts.

The newspaper states that there is growth
by healing and it especially notes this about
Julius Randle., Lakers forward.
He seems to have relished the journey he
has traveled even if it forced him then to
go from player to spectator. His journey
was a struggling one to travel.
Initially he broke his leg. The same leg he
had suffered with having a bone bruise
earlier in training camp.
At first, none of the potential warning signs
appeared serious.. Randle was found
asymptomatic following his bruise and he
reported having little pain.
About this time it was found Randle had
lacked enough calcium to build strong
bone density, strength and conditioning.
Evidently Randles' workload restrictions
were such that his dietary habits were
lacking in what all consisted of being good
and the correct diet to have been a part and 
parcel of training and going forth into the
plays for our Lakers after all. 
Randle now has said that he absolutely
believes the time he spent rehabbing, 
improving his diet and studying the
game will compensate for missing
his rookie year.
We all certainly do wish the very
best for you Julius Randle and stay well!

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