Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Giddyap!! Sunday's game was a lost cause for our Lakers.
Tuesdays game? A complete turn around..What a neat game
for spectators to watch! Right from the get-go it was easy
to see, back on home court that our Lakers had it
together. Kobe Bryant had his Dad in the audience (a
coach in Japan), but he told the reporter that was doing
a short interview with him that his son got his talent from
his Mother!) Ron Artest had his head back to a norm.
All the bench were able to play, not D.J. but with the
score soaring in our favor, it was fun to see the bench
get their day in the sun so to speak for awhile too.
Another Kobe note to share with you is that the broken
index finger he has been playing with all along is healed.
The joint is a bother it seems however with some arthritis
having settled in. Game 6 is Friday night in O.K. City.
The winner of this series advances to play the winner of the
Denver-Utah series. The Jazz lead the Nuggets 3-1.
Hopeful Friday's game will look far more like last nights'
game did, and not down in the hole again like last Sundays
game was.
We are rooting for you & do love that Tuesday score of 111-87!!
Babs Wells

Saturday, April 24, 2010

A High School assembly? A College fest? The fans at Target Center
in Oklahoma last night gave every indication it must have been one
of those with all in blue and white,waving pom poms...right?
And our Lakers were gung-ho for 3 quarters of the game and
evidently fizzled out during the last quarter as O.K. City poured
on their drive to win 101-96. What were those referees thinking?
30 or more times Oklahoma went to the line..I do not think Kobe even
got to the line once..with those kinds of odds, is it any wonder
that we came up with a loss instead of a win? I ask you..what were
they thinking? No, I'll not get fined $35,000 as coach Phil Jackson
did for speaking out but in my mind it did not seem fair one bit.
Our team played well..they found their rhythm and stuck with it.
Ron Artest was on Kevin Durant as instructed to be, 3 pointers
were played just great, Lamar Odom and Pau Gasol were right
where they were needing to be on the court and played great,
all in all it was a very fun game to watch. Doubt David Stern
(NBA Commissioner agrees with me though) (re:Referees).
All things considered, the first half of the game could not have
gone better for us as we soared ahead of the Thunder..but in
the finality of this game, we now comes games for us
to see this coming Saturday + following Tuesday.
Go Get 'em boys!
Babs Wells

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Playoffs' are with us here in Laker town. First though, a dignified
tribute paid to one of California's greats. Stu Lantz helped in the
ceremony before last nights' game outside Staples Center in the
rain..a Bronze statue of famed Chic Hearn was unveiled.
Chick paid his dues, dying in Northridge at age 85 leaving his
red headed wife Marge behind. For 42 years he was Lakers
sports announcer with phrases we use today, always on his
lips. Phrases like "slam-dunk" & "air ball". Such a winning
personality, we miss him still. To have this monumental honor
pretty much says it all. His real name was Francis Dayle Hearn.
He entertained us and kept us informed and we bid him today
a heartfelt tribute for it all. And, yes ! We won our second
playoff game against O.K. City last evening..but by a far lesser
degree than we did on Sunday. It was a hard won game even
though several times during the game we were 11 points in the
lead. Ron Artest did not seem to stick to Kevin Durant like
Velcro as he seemed to do on Sunday so it made a big difference.
With Kobe Bryant playing despite his many injuries gave us
all cause to wince at times but he is so competitive that it
kept him in the fray. Poor passes caused us some apprehension
when Jordan Farmar and Derek Fisher passed the ball and
our opponent caught it instead of where it was meant to go.
If by some chance O.K. City should win four games coming
up, it will be Adios but we are hopeful that will not happen.
Our score this last game was but by 3 points a win at 95-92.
Lakers now play in Oklahoma on their home court, Thur.& Sat.
Cheer them on and lets' see what they can come up with!
Babs Wells.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Family Reunion of sorts? Having Kobe Bryant, Andrew
,. Jordan Farmar and Luke Walton healthier
and playing seemed a united front and it paid off!
Lakers won over Oklahoma. City Sunday afternoon at
Staples center: 87-79 with our team being in the
lead the entire game besides! Seeing Derek Fisher heave
a big 3 more than once during the game sent cheers
through out the stadium! Ron Artest standing in the
way all through out the game on Kevin Durant was
most interesting to note too.Guess that an eye injury
kept D.J. off court with a surgery taking place besides.
Pau Gasol continued his great plays as he seems to
always do. To sustain the energy shown Sunday for
the entire game though is what is needed for these playoff
games.Hopeful it will remain so.
Babs Wells

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Season ends for our regular games and playoffs begin
this coming weekend & to play against Oklahoma City,
Oh boy!
Won in Tuesday's game even without Kobe Bryant or
Andrew Bynum playing but Luke Walton and Jordan
played hard and of course with Lamar Odom.,
Derek Fisher and Ron Artest, we had a fairly good
team even though Phil Jackson did allow the bench
freedom on the courts, but trouble abounded for
Wednesday night game. No Kobe, or Andrew
and then Jordan Farmar injured his hamstring
so was out & early on Sasha Vujacic injured his
foot so went hopping off courts to the locker room.
He managed though to make 8 points & was fouled on a play
as well. The game just prior to last evening, he scored
a season's high of 13 points. Hope he will be able to
be considered to play now in the playoff's coming up.
Clippers have lost so many games that it is hard to
count them + lost their long time coach, Mike Dunleavy.
yet rallied their play and won over Laker team with
score of: 107-91. Two L.A. teams competing.
A note of interest (maybe) here..this reporter has
gone for the gold! Bought for my own use a new toy!
Basketball stand and hoop! At my advancing age?
Just pray I do not turn an ankle or some such thing!
'Bid you farewell with that silly note until Playoff time!
Babs Wells

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A mini missive today. Homecourt, Kobe Bryant suited up,
rested and ready to play. Last minutes of the game and
free throws missed, shots missed, a foul called and guess
what? Lakers lost to Portland 91-88. Ought not to have
happened surely, but there it is in our face and we are
trying to say we are ready to begin playing in the play
off's? Hmmm..we sort of wonder about this but guess
it was just an off night of sorts and we will be getting
back up on the saddle to ride once again Tuesday
at home against Sacramento and back to back game
with Clippers on Wednesday. We can only hope.
Babs Wells

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Make someone happy, make just one someone happy
and you'll be happy too! That old song is certainly quite
appropriate right about now folks..with our Lakers
winning over the Minnesota Timberwolves Friday night
at Target Center..97 - 88 and no Kobe Bryant or Andrew
playing besides. Good seeing former coach Rambiss
once again and knowing that now we have cinched the best
record in the Western Conference for the third consecutive
season..Pau Gasol had fun, playing his heart out against the
undersized and inexperienced Timberwolves.He scored
29 points, on 11-17 shooting, grabbed a team leading 15
rebounds & had the stamina to remain on the floor.
Ron Artest got into the act a bit too much landing in the
tangled phone lines at the announcers table and even spilling
a drink on the jacket of Stu Lantz but they handled it well.
The Lakers have not lost a playoff round in the west in the
past 2 seasons. Playing on home court of course has it's
advantages And now we sit back and rest our minds for
a little while with two more games to play before playoffs
begin on April 18th. Rest easy my friends & watch & see!
Babs Wells

Friday, April 9, 2010

Mile high city, Denver is..with elevation we are not accustomed to.
That did not seem to hinder the Lakers a whole lot however..even though
at half time we were 10 points behind. Kobe Bryant chose to not
suit up and rested his bod this night and Andrew Bynum still out
on injury....however still, Lakers gave the nuggets some minutes of
hard play all the same. This was the first of five games to play before
date of April 18th, for start of the playoffs. They still got in some
practice. Lakers play back to back tonight at Minnesota, then home again
to play Portland. We tied the Nuggets at different times during the
game yet still lost by 2 points leaving the score: Denver 98 - Lakers 96.
Kudo's Korner ought to be mentioned here with our coach, Phil
Jackson, once again going to the defense of his players. Some bad
calls by the Ref encouraged him to stand up for what he saw as error.
In doing so, he was fined $35,000 by the NBA. Not fair at all
but what can one do in cases such as these? Note the Laker team
payroll of $91.4 million is the highest this season in the NBA.
The Lakers lead the Western Conference standings and have the
league's second best overall record. Minnesota will be an interesting
game I should think having been the Lakers first home prior to L.A. move.
Babs Wells

Monday, April 5, 2010

March 24th...Victory over the San Antonio Spurs.
April 4th. loss with the San Antonio Spurs.
Different story on Sunday wasn't it for our Lakers?
They played hard and even outscored the Spurs in the
opening minutes showing their worth with a 21-13 lead.
Then they bombed. Their meandering style did not have
the oomph to win. They could have made a big statement
by winning but they didn't.With home court advantage it
really looked like our Lakers were coming on the court
in style..but their losing scenario reared its' ugly head.
They had the advantage yet somehow managed to lose.
It was not an easy game to watch, even Jack Nicholson
left early. Luke Walton showed up and although he did
not score, he made 2 assists and 2 fouls. Some fans were
yelling "Luuuuuuuke"!! to welcome him back with the team.
He was made an aide for the coaching staff during his time
away from playing due to a pinched nerve in his back.
Lakers have 3 days off now to rest, recover and get
in some practice before their game in Denver on Thursday.
Sunday's score was San Antonio 100 and Lakers 81.
Playoff's coming up soon so we'd better "get on the ball"!
Babs Wells

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cheers!! Our Lakers are back! We watched a game last eve. that
is a reminder of what all our team depicts. Lakers win 106 to Utah's 92!
We were ahead entire game and it was a joy to see everybody playing
as they always used to do..Granted their battle with Utah was on their
home court which I imagine was a big help.The 5 games away
from home was no where near the fashion we were used to seeing
them play and lost 3 games during these times away from home court.
Anyway, Pau Gasol was assertive and pushed for shots that were not
always easy ones, Kobe Bryant made nearly all of his free throws,
Jordan Farmar and Derek Fisher took turns entertaining us and the witty
Ron Artest showed us his muscles & then kissed them besides& lent
a note of levity to the game. Luke Walton will be gracing the court
again too we are told for Sunday's upcoming game.We are all so
pleased to hear Kobe Bryant signed a 3 yr. contract to remain a
Laker.He will be 35 when this contract is again to be reconsidered.
Starting (as I said before) when he was but 17, we always did
think he would remain a Laker player and perhaps even end his
career a Laker. Hearsay has it that Pau Gasol's brother, Marc Gasol,
with the Memphis Grizzlies, is out on injury & not to be playing for
the rest of the season. Our coach Phil Jackson is beginning to
wonder if he will remain with our team or not. Physically he might
find it better to pass on the torch, but with Kobe Bryant remaining
a Laker possibly he will sit and think this over once again. We'll
just have to wait it out & see. Sunday is Easter and Lakers play
at Staples center at 12:30. Breath of fresh air from last nights game
so we at least have a nice break & will see what Sunday brings us.
Babs Wells

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Ditto...ditto..As we all know, we lost our game in O.K. City,
won then in Houston but the losing trail continued on into
New Orleans and now Atlanta. This streak is following us
for right now and it is disheartening to see.Atlanta team played
hard and dirty with choke holds and upper body pushes..first
Ron Artest and then also to Pau Gasol..not the game that
would stand out as fair or good play-manship certainly.
was not even on the court to he had a rather
misunderstanding of sorts with
coach Phil Jackson after the
loss in O.K. city. Guess he will have to eat crow and fess up
to be able to get back into play again.We shall watch & see.
This last game with Atlanta was a swing & miss game, with
no surging, no momentum & no boasting of confidence.Without
Andrew Bynum playing did not seem to go well, no rebounding
enough, nor passing of the ball as they should have.Jordan Farmar
was angry at himself having missed some shots and
Kobe Bryant
missed some free throws to make him somewhat disgruntled.
No panicking yet but their games must turn around.Tightening up
would be a start.Maurice Evans (former
Laker) made 18 points
for the Hawks. Our team simply was outplayed. We will have to
do better if we want to beat upcoming teams..playing
Utah and
then San Antonio.We better get ourselves turned around as
we lost to Atlanta 109-92.Be watching you Lakers & hopeful
that in practices some lessons will be learned to show us your stuff!
Babs Wells