Thursday, April 15, 2010

Season ends for our regular games and playoffs begin
this coming weekend & to play against Oklahoma City,
Oh boy!
Won in Tuesday's game even without Kobe Bryant or
Andrew Bynum playing but Luke Walton and Jordan
played hard and of course with Lamar Odom.,
Derek Fisher and Ron Artest, we had a fairly good
team even though Phil Jackson did allow the bench
freedom on the courts, but trouble abounded for
Wednesday night game. No Kobe, or Andrew
and then Jordan Farmar injured his hamstring
so was out & early on Sasha Vujacic injured his
foot so went hopping off courts to the locker room.
He managed though to make 8 points & was fouled on a play
as well. The game just prior to last evening, he scored
a season's high of 13 points. Hope he will be able to
be considered to play now in the playoff's coming up.
Clippers have lost so many games that it is hard to
count them + lost their long time coach, Mike Dunleavy.
yet rallied their play and won over Laker team with
score of: 107-91. Two L.A. teams competing.
A note of interest (maybe) here..this reporter has
gone for the gold! Bought for my own use a new toy!
Basketball stand and hoop! At my advancing age?
Just pray I do not turn an ankle or some such thing!
'Bid you farewell with that silly note until Playoff time!
Babs Wells

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