Saturday, April 24, 2010

A High School assembly? A College fest? The fans at Target Center
in Oklahoma last night gave every indication it must have been one
of those with all in blue and white,waving pom poms...right?
And our Lakers were gung-ho for 3 quarters of the game and
evidently fizzled out during the last quarter as O.K. City poured
on their drive to win 101-96. What were those referees thinking?
30 or more times Oklahoma went to the line..I do not think Kobe even
got to the line once..with those kinds of odds, is it any wonder
that we came up with a loss instead of a win? I ask you..what were
they thinking? No, I'll not get fined $35,000 as coach Phil Jackson
did for speaking out but in my mind it did not seem fair one bit.
Our team played well..they found their rhythm and stuck with it.
Ron Artest was on Kevin Durant as instructed to be, 3 pointers
were played just great, Lamar Odom and Pau Gasol were right
where they were needing to be on the court and played great,
all in all it was a very fun game to watch. Doubt David Stern
(NBA Commissioner agrees with me though) (re:Referees).
All things considered, the first half of the game could not have
gone better for us as we soared ahead of the Thunder..but in
the finality of this game, we now comes games for us
to see this coming Saturday + following Tuesday.
Go Get 'em boys!
Babs Wells

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