Saturday, April 10, 2010

Make someone happy, make just one someone happy
and you'll be happy too! That old song is certainly quite
appropriate right about now folks..with our Lakers
winning over the Minnesota Timberwolves Friday night
at Target Center..97 - 88 and no Kobe Bryant or Andrew
playing besides. Good seeing former coach Rambiss
once again and knowing that now we have cinched the best
record in the Western Conference for the third consecutive
season..Pau Gasol had fun, playing his heart out against the
undersized and inexperienced Timberwolves.He scored
29 points, on 11-17 shooting, grabbed a team leading 15
rebounds & had the stamina to remain on the floor.
Ron Artest got into the act a bit too much landing in the
tangled phone lines at the announcers table and even spilling
a drink on the jacket of Stu Lantz but they handled it well.
The Lakers have not lost a playoff round in the west in the
past 2 seasons. Playing on home court of course has it's
advantages And now we sit back and rest our minds for
a little while with two more games to play before playoffs
begin on April 18th. Rest easy my friends & watch & see!
Babs Wells

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