Friday, May 28, 2010

Fluke...Websters states fluke, an accidentally good
or successful stroke of good luck and so we introduce
to you Ron Artest. Score last night was 101 to 101 and
then Kobe Bryant put forth his efforts for a winning
basket..not to be so with 3.5 seconds left Ron grabbed
the ball and heaved it toward the hoop with almost
everybody yelling" !" let it go into overtime
and we will play another 5 minutes but..oh my! Ron's
heave to landed square into the hoop and he made that
basket count as buzzer went off! What a fluke that was!
At each quarter's end, our team was ahead but the Suns
kept pouncing and it looked very much as if they just
might win this game at Staples center even with their
coach ill (ate something that went totally against him).
This had been a very important game and one we really
wanted badly to win with our Western Conference finals.
So our ending score was 103-101 with smiles all around.
We claim that the NBA cares by the way and indeed they today we make some other statements that are worthy
of note..we care about our environment and we care about
the folks around us so right now we take a moment of silence
to remember a dear man we have lost with the passing of
Art Linkletter..T,V. funny man..born 97 years ago as
Arthur Gordon Kelly & at age 7 was adopted into a
family with the father being a preacher, thus his name became
Linkletter . Later on having married his sweetheart, they had
5 children and he called them his "links". Starting in radio, he
went on into T.V. with one of his famous shows being "kids
say the darnedest things
". (also made in to a book that was
on shelves ranking as 15th. top seller among non fiction books.
Remarks made by youngsters were hilarious & one of these
included: "Did you see Santa this year?"Answer: "See him?
I fixed him a bourbon and water !!" We will miss Art around.
Another interesting note is this: Widow of famed Bob Hope,
Delores Hope, just turned 101 years old ! Good for you girl!
So now our Lakers take themselves on for another game although
this one is to be in Phoenix. If need be for 7th. game, then back to L.A.
Babs Wells

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