Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pete and repeat..Sunday game with Lakers against the Phoenix Suns
and Tuesday game with Lakers against the Phoenix Suns. Both games
we lost. First one The score was 118-109 and with last night it was 115-106.
Not easy to write articles for this reporter to type up for you but there
you have it. Defense missing surely. Yes, we need more practice times
to be a helping factor to concentrate on a win maybe with our up-
coming game to play
on Thursday? We will wait it out and see.
Phil Jackson is still playing it safe to say he will have to get his
tell him the verdict for optimum health before he makes a statement
about whether or not he will remain coaching again for our Laker team.
Some other contenders for the job are:
Byron Scott, Brian Shaw, Karl
Mike Krzyzewski and Mike D'Antoni as viable options for
consideration but most of us eagerly await the decision in hopes of keeping
Phil Jackson remaining as coach for our Laker Team. This last game even
made the comment that we were sadly lacking in defense and gave
the Suns kudos for playing such a good game in Phoenix at their home.
Their crowd was on their feet when so many 3 pointers were made and even
with our
Kobe Bryant landing 3 pointers himself, he just could not pull it off
enough for a win.The Suns'
zone defense was merely too difficult evidently
to figure out and we lost.Now what is around the corner with a 2-2 win
on our hands? No panic yet but we need to figure out our strategy in order
to make the final numbers pan out in our favor on homecourt this week.
Babs Wells

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