Friday, May 14, 2010

Paul Newman was instrumental in projects I have just
recently learned about. Seems his proceeds from race
driving to his various kitchen offerings (salad dressings
and so forth) have been funding 7 different camps.
The 6th one is actually just a short drive away from
my own home by Lake is situated in a tree
lined camp and is where youngsters with disabling
and life threatening diseases along with family, can
stay for a week plus everything without any charge.
They have fun and learn skills to use in their own handicapped
lives. A full medical staff is there during camp times
and Getty has given art works and artifacts for its'
beauty as well. It is called "The Painted Turtle"
and can be found at 17000-Elizabeth Rd.,Lake
Hughes,CA 93532

The Vineyard church folks of the Antelope Valley has
a keen interest in this "The Hole in the Wall Camps"
It is reported our basketball team "The Lakers"
have donated $100,000 toward this project. I
felt it was worthy of note to see just some of the
many activities our NBA is a part of. Lakers will
be meeting now on Monday with the Phoenix Suns
at our own Staples Center, L.A. Although we do
have tall players on our team, the Suns ambitious
endeavors with such devotion for unified play and
their speed + youth playing on the courts will
give us a very good and lively game to watch.
See you then.
Babs Wells

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