Monday, December 20, 2010

88...remarkable number.

To think that one of our Lakers Dad had such a big part in this
is also remarkable to me. Luke Walton's Father, Bill Walton,
played at UCLA for that top ranked basketball team. No luck,
just perspiration, determination, preparation and planning
that met with opportunity and one after one they won!
UCLA enjoyed the winning streak from 1971-1974 & lived
to tell the tale! Bill Walton himself scored 44 points as UCLA
defeated Memphis State on March 27th.,1973.
And our Laker team won over Philadelphia 93-81 with our reserves
doing most of the damage during the fourth quarter. Kobe Bryant
scored a season low 9 points. It sure looked for a long while as if
the 76'ers were going to win that game as the Lakers kept sputtering
along until toward the very ending of the entire game. Kobe had a
sprained right pinkie when he jammed it while trying to catch a pass
from teammate Pau Gasol in the first quarter but X-rays proved it to
be alright. It did hurt Kobe though and throbbed for about 20 minutes.
Andrew Bynum played in his 3rd. game since his return to the court.
He was out for 24 games since his off season knee surgery.
Lamar Odom is in high hopes of being selected to finally get to play
in next years "All Star" game at Staples Center on February 20th.
Joe Smith is our newest Laker player but will be sitting on the bench
for awhile observing and trying to learn the rudiments of the triangle
that our team seems to really like to play, said coach Phil Jackson.
Our Lakers played in Toronto Sunday morning and won their 5th.
"on road game" where they lost only the one game. We won 120-110.
The bench itself made 57 points in this game so they certainly
can be relied upon to come to the fore when it makes a big difference.
A smidgen of soreness took place for Andrew Bynum in his knee
but he has been on the court when ever he was called upon to do so.
Losing in Chicago to the Bulls was a tough break so all of these
wins have been so nice to have. Lakers play again Tuesday night
at home with Milwaukee as our opponent and then play again on
Christmas Day so we are hopeful Santa knows where to leave his
goodies to shine upon us for another winning game!
Babs Wells

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