Sunday, December 12, 2010

Running with the Bulls...

Or should I say "running from the bulls"?
Last nights' game in Chicago lent a warm
feeling for goodly portion of the game and
then our opponents got with the program
and we could never really catch up.
Their team took control and left us in
the lurch. Final score? Chicago 88,
Lakers 84. Nice game but they had
it in their pocket almost entire second half.
Our defense was lacking and they came
aboard to play some pretty good defense.
Chicago used to be where Coach Phil Jackson
called home. Earlier he had guided the Bulls to
win 6 Championships ! That was during the '90's
prior to his coming to coach the Lakers for L.A.
After playing in Chicago, Lakers still have a 5 game
trip to play away from home. Next is New Jersey,
then Washington, next Indiana, then Philadelphia
and Toronto. Grueling schedule but challenging too.
President Obama is scheduled Monday to honor
the Lakers for winning last seasons NBA Title.
We just might be fortunate enough hopefully to be
getting Andrew Bynum back on the courts with
high expectations...having had him out of the running
for so long. This tall player along with Pau Gasol
and Lamar Odom compile some nice players
that add height for our team to begin to barge
into their playing with far more confidence
along with better strategy to compete and win.
Andrew Bynum took another step showing a
lot more recovery from his surgically repaired
knee last Monday during practice when he
participated in full-length.full-contact plays.
He apparantly showed no pain or swelling.
No one has been rooting harder for Andrew's
return than Pau, whose minutes in play became
a worry somewhat for his hamstring to once
again be throwing some pain his way lately.
Twinkling lights, stars that shine, Holiday
Spirit is upon us and we are anxious to see
the road games ahead for us. God Bless.
Babs Wells

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