Tuesday, February 15, 2011

And so it is time before the "All Star" games
to sit and ponder the why's of those last two
games our Lakers played and lost.
Winning the first 4 of their road games gave
us such pride but for some odd reason the
last two games were not played with any
of that former vigor and purpose. Losing
in Orlando hurt, didn't it? But wait..we had
the game at Charlotte yet to play..so what
do you suppose happened with our fella's?
At games end in Orlando the score was
Orlando 89 and Lakers 75. Certainly some
lessons to be learned there. Even the brand
new Amway Center did not help us out any.
Kobe Bryant tried but still could not seem to
save the Laker team from losing in their first
trip playing there. So next came Charlotte with
the most lopsided defeat of the season with
Charlotte winning at 109 and Lakers losing
at 89. Really hurt. Guess not too much to say.
Our next game is with Cleveland on Wednesday.
This reporter will have to say "good luck boys"
for this upcoming game though as nothing more
will be reported here until after the All Star games
being hosted this year right at home in L.A.
Pizza anyone? Hope we all have fun just the same!
Babs Wells

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