Friday, February 4, 2011

Squeaking by? Seems so.

Tuesdays game a win over Houston in overtime.
Thursdays game losing by only one point.
Seems that there was an all guys chat
before game begun with Jerry Buss in
attendance.Without Andrew Bynum out
on the floor, we did still win Tuesdays
game all the same with score showing
Lakers 114 and Houston 106. There was
even some behind scenes talk of a possible
trade in future with Ron Artest but he is in
denial of this being so.Home games for now
with long road trip in the offing.Thursday eve.
Staples Center game had buzzer beater being
the culprit. San Antonio is currently the league
leading team and so winning this game would
certainly have been a feather in our caps. Losing as
the buzzer sounded by only one point is a bit
hard to take. Score: San Antonio 89 & Lakers 88.
A tidbit of info to share here today is that one of
the favored basketball followers, Adam Sandler,
just now received his Star on the Hollywood
Walk of Fame
. This was the 2,431st. star placed.
Two other fun things to share with my readers
are: Remember old T.V. show "Dallas"? For
future viewing to come up is a Dallas Reunion
with Larry Hagman returning as well as Linda
& Patrick Duffy. The new story focuses
on the Ewing offspring as they clash over the
future of the family dynasty and even have the
mansion in Texas of the Southfork Ranch!!
The other informative bit of news today is about
a former child actor..that cute, red headed and
freckled youngster that was the little boy on the
show "Family Affair" starring Brian Keith and
Sebastian Cabot in the two adult roles. Well,
seems this red head tyke is now grown up. He
works in Tarzana, CA and is a counselor for
drug abusers and that is a formidable position
to be in. His T.V. name was Jody and even then
we all could see his worth. Show ran 1966-1971.
this gentleman now lives in Santa Clarita and is
also very helpful to other substance abusers
& with the homeless. His name is:John Whitaker
and so we applaud him today.
Babs Wells

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